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Upcoming Events

Check out what we are doing this year!

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Freshers Week 2024

If you are a first-year student studying either BSc Physics with Medical Physics, MSc Medical Physics, BEng Biomedical Engineering or MEng Biomedical Engineering, do not miss out on this opportunity!


A full week of activities from Monday (23/9) to Friday (29/9) for you meet new friends!


More information on activities, time and location are posted on the MPBE society Instagram (@uclmpbesoc)! Make sure you follow us for more exciting events over the year!

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MPBE Boat Party

You are invited to the MPBE Thames Boat Party! A fun night out to meet friends from the MPBE department with amazing views of the river Thames. Tickets are limited. Get them while they are still available!


Date: October 2024 (exact date TBC)

Link to event: TBC

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Talk with AstraZeneca

Date: TBC

Location: TBC

Events Timeline

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